oUR Impact

oUR Impact

Meet the community!


The community of Peruvian artisans women. is made up of 24 families, of about 4 members per family. The main activities they carry out are agriculture and textile crafts.


The main problems faced by the community are communication difficulties, lack of services such as water, sewage, telephones, computers, financial services, among others. Likewise, the remoteness of the community hinders access to quality education, contact with potential clients and proximity to the market.

Working with UMA

our story

UMA is a social enterprise for the sale of handicrafts that allows exposing the art of women in vulnerable conditions, so that their talent is the promoter to achieve personal and economic independence. To achieve this, we have built a relationship of trust with artisans from various communities, until now from Ayacucho, from which we provide work. 

The community receives the support of UMA not only through crafts requests, but we also seek to be an ally at all times. For example, at the beginning of the pandemic we carried out a fundraising campaign to arrive with baskets of basic consumption and / or bank transfers to cope with the hard time.

"Crafts are the source of income for many Ayacuchanos"
- Rocio Medina Polar

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New adventure !

Visit us

The community is located in the town of Chacolla, Chuschi district, Cangallo Province, Ayacucho department. It is located 6 hours from the capital of Ayacucho, Huamanga, by private car.
